IHRB uses a lot of photographic evidence. Yet it never shows the photos of the side effects. The IHRB topical solution includes Monoxidil. Here is a link to a medical site that explains the side effects of Minoxidil. These photos might turn your stomach. The site says, ‘Local irritation may occur, most often resulting in […]
If you have a weak stomach for ugly images, don’t look at the photos in this article because they are horrid. They show what Retin-A can do to some people who react badly to it. Mr Sam Cohen of IHRB gave me a topical solution containing Retin-A, without my knowledge. The label did not specify […]
In 2005, the then NSW President of the Australian Medical Association, Dr John Gullotta (who is now Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Sydney) was quoted in a magazine called ‘Australia Doctor’, saying that what IHRB was doing was ‘Absolutely disgraceful’. The magazine is a news and education source for Australian General Practitioners. A story […]