IHRB goes West

IHRB goes West

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Since moving from the City to Leichhardt, IHRB has expanded its advertising to reach the Inner West. The same unlawful and misleading ads are appearing in ‘Ciao Magazine’ to reach poor unsuspecting readers in Leichhardt, Annandale, Petersham, Stanmore, Newtown, Rozelle, Balmain, Haberfield, Drummoyne, Wareemba, Five Dock, and Concord.

This adds to the already long and exhaustive list of publications used by IHRB to attract clients from far afield. We know about some of the foreign-language ads that reach Chinese, Thai, Arabic, Korean, and Vietnamese readers — to name but a few!

The full-page, full-colour advertising in ‘Ciao Magazine’ complements the far-reaching list that includes:

Negotiator Magazine
The Daily Telegraph
Sydney City News
Inner Western Courier
Central Magazine
Southern Courier
Alive Next
Wentworth Courier
Inner Western Suburbs Courier
Nine to Five
Village Voice Drummoyne
Oz Weekly
The Epoch Times
Village Voice Randwick
City Life
Sing Tao
VR Thai Magazine
Doanh Nghieäp Ñôøi Soáng
A range of Gay publications such as ‘eevolution’ which is part of the Gay News Network
Village Voice Woollahra
Inner West Weekly
Bondi Classifieds
Eastern Suburbs Spectator
Eastern Suburbs Leader
Southern Courier
Weekly Top News (Korean)
El Telegraph (Arabic)
My Local Magazine (Double-page spread)

Plus many others, including the Web, Radio, and Television.

Below is the ad that appeared in the 21 October 2011 edition of ‘Ciao Magazine’, spinning a line about Sam Cohen having conducted 40 years of research. Yet, when asked by the Complaints Resolution Panel to verify any of his numerous claims, he could not verify a single one. The Panel found IHRB ads to be unlawful and misleading.

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