IHRB is Summonsed
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Mr Sam Cohen of IHRB is growing to become my all-time hero. I really mean that. I had met good salesmen in my time, but Mr Cohen takes the cake. Despite everything that I have documented about Mr Cohen, people can read my material, examine my evidence, and understand my story, only to be confused into a state of inaction and doubt after they hear Mr Cohen’s side. He is a super, mega salesman whose lies are so well crafted, that even my staunchest of allies, are left wondering if I am the one who needs my head examined. It’s like a case of, ‘Really, I did see the UFO’ but Sam’s contradictions are so gripping, that people fall under his spell. That is a capability reserved for only a few leaders in history. And now I can add Samuel Faraj Cohen to that list of super-sales people. If anyone could sell ice to the Eskimos…
Knowing this slippery aspect about Mr Cohen’s side of the story, I needed to stop dealing in hearsay and insist on facts, backed-up by documentary evidence because Mr Cohen had lied about every aspect of everything about everything. It was for this reason that I was forced to issue Mr Cohen with two Summonses. One to him personally about his alleged Bachelor of Science, and one to the Institute of Hair Regrowth & Beauty about its products.
Below is the text from the Summonses:
1) Please produce your Statement of Academic Record being the University Transcript and a copy of the Certificate for any and all universities or training institutions, including the Bachelor of Science from Rajshahi University as stated in the Ashley & Martin Annual Report excerpt that was submitted to CTTT as part of your evidence, and as you stated as part of your qualifications during the preliminary CTTT hearing on the 10th of June 2010 when questioned by Tribunal Member Mr J Levingston.
2) A list of ingredients that comprise the Indian Curries (including herbs or extracts) which you say are the unique ‘state of the art’ ingredients that are the intellectual property of IHRB as discovered by you and used in your topical Minoxidil solution which you asked [the first pharmacist of Melbourne] to compound for you. Also provide the country of origin of those ingredients, and the name and address of their manufacturer.
3) The labels on the Minoxidil bottles state, ‘Specially formulated according to IHRB’s specifications’. Please describe and produce:
a) the special ‘formulations’
b) the ‘specifications’ that are special and unique to IHRB
c) the formal agreement or memorandum of understanding between IHRB and [the first pharmacist of Melbourne] that stipulates the formulations and specifications which govern the production of the compounded topical solutions for both 5% Minoxidil and the version with 0.025% Retin-A.
4) The labels on the Saw Palmetto bottles state, ‘Specially formulated according to IHRB’s specifications’. Please describe and produce:
a) the special ‘formulations’
b) the ‘specifications’ that are special and unique to IHRB
c) the formal agreement or memorandum of understanding between IHRB and [the first pharmacist of Melbourne] that stipulates the formulations and specifications which govern the production of the Saw Palmetto tablets.
5) Under the Pharmacy Act, a compounding pharmacist cannot compound products for bulk sales. Therefore, all products must be made for a patient. Please provide:
a) the doctor’s prescription and the patient’s name for whom the following batch of bottles of Minoxidil was compounded by [the first pharmacist]: ‘Lot B4080808 asct Exp 10/2009’ and
b) the invoice from [the first pharmacist] which pertains to that batch of products for that client which you sold to Mr J Nader.
6) Please provide:
a) the doctor’s prescription and the patient’s name for whom the following bottle of Saw Palmetto was compounded or dispensed by [the first pharmacist]: ‘Lot B4801818 Exp 10/2009’ and
b) the invoice from [the first pharmacist] which pertains to that batch of products for that client which you sold to Mr J Nader.
7) As they pertain to:
a) The IHRB Organic Shampoo
b) The IHRB Derma Clean
c) The IHRB Conditioner
Please produce the following items:
i) An invoice from the manufacturer
ii) Proof of country and place of manufacture
iii) Certificate from the manufacturer to prove the list of ingredients.
8) The Saw Palmetto that is compounded by [the first pharmacist] comes in bottles that do not show the original manufacturer’s details nor the country of origin nor the ingredients. Please produce proof from the original manufacturer showing:
a) who the manufacturer is
b) the country and place of manufacture
c) a certificate of the ingredients.
9) Please produce any licence, permit, or certificate that permits you to handle, sell, specify, or on-sell Schedule 2, Schedule 3, and or Schedule 4 medications.
10) In the Contract between you and Mr Nader, your ‘treatment program’ is said to comprise ‘a combination of specially prescribed medical and pharmaceutical treatments, herbal preparations, organic products, and natural extracts.’ Please produce a list of ingredients and proof of their existence and how they are used, split into these categories:
a) Organic ingredients
b) Herbal ingredients
c) Natural extracts.
11) Produce copies of correspondence or records between you and [the first pharmacist] wherein you alerted [the pharmacist] of your client’s (Mr J Nader’s) adverse reaction to the topical solution.
12) Produce evidence that [the first pharmacist] has authorised you to act under his personal supervision as might be permitted by the Victorian Pharmacy Practice Act to dispense substances specified in the Poisons List.
(For your reference, the Victorian Pharmacy Practice Act of 2004 in Part 3 Section 31 (2) states that, ‘A registered pharmacist providing pharmacy services from a pharmacy or a pharmacy department approved by the Board must not permit any person to supply, compound or dispense medicines except when the person is doing so under the supervision of the registered pharmacist.’ The NSW equivalent legislation is stated in Section 36AA (1) of the NSW Pharmacy practice Act 2006.)
13) Produce evidence that The Pharmacy Boards of either NSW or Victoria have approved IHRB to supply medicines.
(For your reference, the Pharmacy Practice Act of 2004 in Part 3 Section 31 (1) states that, ‘A registered pharmacist must not supply, compound or dispense medicines except — (a) from a pharmacy or pharmacy department that is approved by the Board; or (b) in any other special circumstances that are approved by the Board in a particular case.’)
14) At the preliminary CTTT hearing of 11 June 2010 you told the Presiding Member Mr J Levingston that you have 40 years of experience in the hair business. Please provide your resume outlining your professional working history that covers the forty years listing each company, the person to whom you reported at each juncture, showing your job titles, the main roles and responsibilities, and the length of time you served in each position and for how long you served as a board director at Ashley & Martin.
15) Produce copies of clinical trials or scientific research conducted by you or IHRB or any third party on your behalf that show the results of using the IHRB special formulations and suite of products that comprise the IHRB treatment.
16) You advertise a money-back guarantee, and you state that all your clients have been satisfied. Please produce the names of the clients who have requested that their money be refunded under your guarantee. List the names of the clients to whom you have (voluntarily or by a Court or Tribunal order) given a full or partial refund, and list the names, dates, and amounts settled.
17) A certificate of authenticity or independent evidence to prove that the IHRB Organic Shampoo is in fact Organic.
18) You stated in your defence documents submitted to CTTT in July 2010 that all your testimonials are given to you with model release forms that permit you to publicly show/display/print/promote each testimonial. Please produce the complete Model Release forms and the terms of agreement with each model for the following persons [35 names were listed].
Mr Sam Cohen asked for an additional two weeks. He was granted that extra time. He then turned up to a Summons Hearing without any of this information. He furnished a letter from his new Solicitor (not sure what happened to the old one) which stated that Mr Cohen would like to pay me the $3,700, and he hoped that this would mean that he no longer needed to produce any information in response to the Summons. So the Tribunal Member said that the matter would have to go to a Directions Hearing. Click here to see what happened next.
P.S. IHRB is the name of the Institute of Hair Regrowth and Beauty run by Sam Cohen of 105 Pitt Street Sydney. It is also written as Institute of Hair Regrowth & Beauty or Institute of Hair Re-growth & Beauty.
The Health Care Complaints Commission has slapped Sam Cohen and IHRB with this Permanent Prohibition Order and issued this statement on its website on the 23rd of February 2011.
You can learn more here.