Clients or Cohorts?

Clients or Cohorts?

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Mr Cohen knows that he has to watch his step. He know that he can’t make too many claims. So he asks his clients to make the claims for him, in the form of testimonials. IHRB’s testimonials are marvellous. They espouse all sorts of claims that would never be approved if the same text were used in a brochure or advertisement. So Mr Cohen thinks that he has found a loophole. He asks his clients to make wild claims on his behalf. Mind you, we are never told what the client used in terms of medications. We are never told if such clients were foolish enough to use non-approved and dangerous medications. We are never told if those clients were coerced or guided or bribed or paid to make such statements. We are never told if they received free goods and services for their part in the game. Or perhaps they had no idea what they were doing, and dutifully followed the master’s instructions.

Anyway, Mr Cohen knows that there are treatments on the market. These include Minoxidil and Finasteride.

In order to lead us to believe that nothing other than his treatment works, Mr Cohen gave me a testimonial from a Mr Louis-Azzi.

In part it reads, ‘I have been balding for nearly 20 years and bald for the last 10 or 12 years… I tried the treatments of most of [the] organisations, ‘Chinese herbal treatments’ Topical Solutions from chemists, ‘Prescription tablets’ and ‘Topical Solutions’ [from] Naturopaths etc…’

This type of testimonial is designed to suggest that no other treatment can work. Here we are told to eliminate the thought of going to the chemist and purchasing the topical solutions, which presumably includes Regaine from Pfizer/Johnson & Johnson and which are sold at a fraction of the price of IHRB’s Minoxidil solution. We are told that prescription tablets do not work, presumably Finasteride in the form of Propecia or the non-approved Proscar.

This type of testimonial is designed to tell the public that nothing works, except for IHRB’s Indian Curries. If Minoxidil does not work, and Propecia does not work, well then, what does work? And this proves and supports the point that Mr Cohen says that only his system works because he has special secret innovative Indian Curries.

Alas, they do not exist. What does produce the immediate and amazing cosmetic boost are tablets like Loniten which are not approved for hair regrowth and which come with severe warnings against being use for hair regrowth. These, along with Retin-A (not recommended by the AMA) and Proscar (not approved by the TGA for hair regrowth) and Minoxidil, all arrest the body with the fastest possible way to generate hair growth that is not sustainable and which will fall out the moment these dangerous products are stopped.

You can see a whole range of outrageous testimonials if you click here.

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